Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > ordinary magic and spirituality > Page 4


The Magical Life

sayings & verse on the Miraculous

Page 4

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"The depth of human life is ungraspable," says Dainin Katagiri, in You Have to Say Something: Manifesting Zen Insight. We can extend this to say, "The depth of life is ungraspable," for human life is only a name assigned by the human species to a life that is not. There is no human life ~ that is so only under the spell of the Magic. With insight one sees human life is an illusion, while Life, or life, is what all beings share in in varied ways. And, also, no one species can explain itself, nor give an explanation for itself, not even the human species. While some would consider this nihilistic, this is the opposite of nihilism, this is the opportunity to loosen our grip on what we think we know and to celebrate and trust what, or That, we do not know, not as a thought or idea or conception, but know in a direct relationship with in the absolute mystery of Love. For...

the one who has
felt Love
this one has
felt Life

prayers blowing in the Wind

*Brian Wilcox. "prayers blowing in the Wind". Flickr.

Tibetan prayer flags flying from porch of my winter cottage. "Wind" is often a metaphor for "spirit, Spirit."

(C) Brian K. Wilcox, 2019. For the saying ... as we look..., see I Corinthians 4.18.

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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > ordinary magic and spirituality > Page 4

©Brian Wilcox 2024